Update:We have now added a list of steps to perform to complete the transition
If you are a Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online customer; you may have recently received an email entitled Action Required: Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online administrative portal and billing platform inviting you to run the Microsoft CRM Transition Wizard.
What does this mean?
Currently, there are two Microsoft CRM Online platforms in use, the older one uses Windows Live IDs (Blue login button) whereas newer subscriptions (those signed up after 19th July 2012) now use the Microsoft Office 365 system (Orange login button). Microsoft is emailing customers on the legacy Live ID platform and scheduling them to transition their user accounts to the newer Office 365 platform. This transition is due to happen between January and February 2014.
What do I need to do?
If you use other Office 365 services such as Exchange Online, you need to contact Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Support (in the UK call 0800-376-2862 opt 2) and give them your CRM Online and Office 365 details and ask them to merge your Microsoft CRM user accounts into your existing Office 365 subscription. In this case, DO NOT run the transition wizard.
If you do not currently use any other Office 365 services, you can Visit the Transition Centre and plan your migration to the Office 365 platform.
If you would like any help with your Microsoft CRM Transition, Contact us today!