Month: May 2014

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 SP1 Available

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Service Pack 1 (SP1) is now available. (Referred to as CRM Online Spring ’14 Update in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online) The build number for this release is 6.1.0000.0581 New features in this release include: Microsoft Dynamics Marketing – Plan, drive and measure marketing Microsoft Social Listening – Social media and sentiment […]

Why Trust Office 365?

The Office 365 Trust Centre was set up by Microsoft to provide transparency about how Office 365 is run, including Microsoft’s commitment to security, compliance and privacy. As part of the Office 365 Trust Centre, Microsoft have launched a new video blog series titled “From inside the Cloud” in which Microsoft Cloud Engineers show how […]

Storage Limit Reached in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online

Have you received the following email?  Storage Limit Reached Dear Administrator, Your organization, <organisation name>, has reached 80% of its storage limit. When the storage limit is exceeded, people will be unable to add data, such as records, to Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. To avoid exceeding the storage limit, we recommend the following approaches: 1. […]

CRM Online Spring 14 and 2013 SP1 supported configurations

With the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Service Pack 1 and CRM Online Spring ‘14 releases, Microsoft are reviewing the list of supported configurations to keep current with technology. Changes in supported platform software For the next release, The following operating systems will be unsupported for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server: Windows Server 2008 Windows Server 2008 […]

Microsoft CRM 2011 Rollup 17 Published

Microsoft have released Rollup 17 for Microsoft CRM 2011. The build number of this release is 5.0.9690.4150. You must have Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Update Rollup 6 (build 5.0.9690.1992) or a later version of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 installed to apply this update rollup. As well as over 60 bug fixes, Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 […]