As we previously mentioned, Microsoft are transferring all Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online subscriptions from the legacy Microsoft Account (Live ID) platform to Office 365.
We have a number of customers who already have an office 365 account. In which case, Microsoft assign a Transition Manager to help you merge your account into your existing Office 365 account.
The High Level steps for the transition process are as follows:
- Customer adds Temporary Global Admin user in their Microsoft Online Portal.
- Customer sends login credentials to their transition manager.
- Customer prepares for necessary configuration changes of Dynamics CRM for Outlook, Email router, JavaScript/ISV and other plug-ins (See attached).
- Transition Manager creates CRM trial under existing account.
- Transition Manager adds CRM users to existing account as necessary.
- Transition Manager maps all users and runs validation. If errors are found, Transition Manager will work with customer to resolve.
- Transition Manager contacts customer and schedules a transition date.
- Customer activates restricted offer and adds storage if applicable.
- Transition Manager performs the transition of the CRM Online organization to the Microsoft Online Service Portal.
- Customer removes Temporary Global Admin user.
- Transition Manager will cancel previous CRM Online subscription.
If you would like help with your Microsoft CRM Online Transition to Office 365 or would like us to manage the transition on your behalf, please drop us a line!